Water damage

The most frequently asked questions are answered in our knowledge base. You can also contact the seller or our customer service through this means if needed.

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Are the devices offered by sellers waterproof?

We cannot say with certainty whether the devices being sold are still waterproof. This means that sellers also cannot guarantee that the original water resistance certification, such as IP67 or IP68, is still valid.

To ensure that your device does not suffer water damage, it is wise to avoid these things:

  • Using your device while swimming, bathing, or in the sauna.
  • Exposing your device to water that sprays hard against it or moves very quickly, such as while showering or during water sports like water skiing or wakeboarding.
  • Intentionally submerging your device completely underwater.
  • Using your device in places where it is extremely hot or cold, or where it is very humid.
  • Attempting to open your phone or remove the screws.

Please note: If your device shows signs of contact with liquid or water damage, the seller's warranty is no longer valid. This is because water damage can become visible over time as it attacks the inside of the phone. This may result in the phone being considered irreparably damaged by water.